Friday, July 17, 2009

Only in : Texas

"Stuff White (Texan) People Like"
Or, The Handiwork of Rednecks

This may come as a bit of a shock, but I'm going to be brief here. There simply is not much to say. Maybe you didn't notice, but that's no chrome bumper up above. That's a scrap of driftwood he yanked off the side of the barn and tied onto the front of his Bug. Genius idea, as long as whatever he hits with the broad side of his plank-er is more dense than, say, the cow who was standing next door. (And yes, I say "he" because you know there is not a woman, even in the South, who would think to herself, "Le's see here... ma darn bumper done and fell off. I best r'place it with some rottin', worm-food wood. How c'n I get that'n up thar? Ah, look; a piece a' rope. That'll do.")

Check your rear view mirrors today, folks. You never know when the Demolition Dune Buggy may be creeping up behind you.

As for me, maybe I'll take into consideration some redneck approaches to mending things. Although, something tells me refilling the propane for the stove with lighter fluid may not be the best idea.

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